A Fresh Start

For quite some time now I have been trying to find something that I can put my time and creativity into. Day to day I found myself spending my free time just lounging around when in reality I wanted to be doing something that was actually profitable. Something that I could be proud of. Watching Netflix or YouTube and laying in bed all day (as tempting and wonderful that could sound sometimes) couldn't be the only thing I could go to when I felt bored or found myself with time on my hands.

I started getting into new hobbies, like embroidery and sewing, but for some reason I still didn't feel content with taking part in those crafts and what I was creating. Like fads, my interest in them came and left and I found myself going through the same routine of going to school, doing work, watching videos, and sleeping. But I was still hopeful in being able to find something that I was actually interested in.

One day, the thought of starting up this blog again came to my head. I knew that I loved writing and creating content. And what could be better than writing about things I was actually passionate about on my own website. I also love scrapbooking and being able to document precious moments in life, and now this could be my digital journal.

So here we are, one website makeover later. And here I am welcoming you to my blog (again). Through this platform, I hope to be able to express my style and creativity, while also sharing life lessons that I learn as I grow and experience new things. Fashion, beauty, food, and DIYs are a huge part of what I pour my creativity into. I can't wait to share all my ideas and thoughts with you, and hopefully spread positivity, love, and happiness in this world.

Welcome to Lifestyle Letters! :)


  1. Hi Toni! What you're saying is so relatable because I also want to do something productive but usually end up in the same cycle of eating, sleeping, school, and going on the internet. I'm excited to learn about your ideas, hobbies, crafts, and new experiences.
    From: A :)

    1. Thank you so much for your support and for commenting! :)


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