A Full Day Around the City

It's our last full day in the city and with still so much exploring left to do, we got up bright and early to make the most of the little time we had left. We were determined to check all the places we planned to go to off of our list.

Our first stop, Grand Central Terminal. I didn't really know much about this place, only that it was a train station and one of the must see spots in New York City. But upon entering the building, I was already so amazed by the design and grandeur of the place. There were so many different paths to take and so many people passing by, many going through their daily routine of making their way through the city. It reminds me of a little ant farm with its many tunnels and workers, both making what looks like a complex transportation system look so easy to navigate through and live in.

One of my favorite features was definitely the ceiling, entailed with a painting of constellations in gold with a turquoise background. Not really knowing what to expect when coming here, it was a delightful surprise to see this beautiful piece and I just loved how it added color to the place.

When we were there, there was also an interactive art installation under the collaboration of Water.org and Stella Artois. Visitors could step unto this platform under these water droplets that were synchronized to flow up in down in various formations and patterns. This project was done to increase awareness of and ihelp end the global water crisis. Special Stella Artois cups were being sold to raise money for the cause, and I am so glad this was something we were able to see.

As we made our way to the next destination, we ended up passing and making a stop at the New York Public Library! This wasn't on our original itinerary but I am so glad we saw it while walking down the street and decided to go inside. NYPL is definitely not like any of the libraries that I have seen before.

After this little detour, we were back on route to... the Empire State Building! Seeing that one of the things that New York is called is 'The Empire State' this building was a must see, even if it was just from the outside. 

*Fun Fact: One of the things I learned while on a city bus tour was that many buildings have what look like tiers because there was a law established saying that as a building gets higher, there are points at which it should be farther away from the sidewalk. It was so cool to see how different architects designed their buildings to follow this law, while at the same time still create something that was unique from the many basic buildings that earned reputations of looking like wedding cakes.

Up next, we went into some shops after lunch just to have a look around and in hopes of making use of the city's special 'no tax on clothing pieces that are under $100' to buy some new pieces for our wardrobe. We visited the NBA Store, Best Buy, H&M, and of course, a souvenir store; each providing us with floors of many products to choose from and tempting us to give in to having a shopping spree.

Then we made our way to St. Patrick's Cathedral, another grand and intricately detailed church that only goes to show the beauty of traditional churches. It was even more beautiful in the inside than it was on the outside. The cathedral truly stood out with its gothic design amongst the tall, modern skyscrapers around it. 

Right next door was the one and only Rockefeller Center; where we all see that beautiful tree shining on Christmas Day. It was so beautiful to see the ice skating rink still there and all the flags waving in the air. I can only imagine how it looks during the Christmas season with all the lights and the Christmas tree standing tall and bright.

As sunset was nearing, it was now time to make our way to one of the things I was looking forward to the most... Top of the Rock! I was so excited to be able to see all of the city, seventy floors up in the sky, just like in those aerial shots of New York that we see in the movies. It was so beautiful and surreal. Every inch on the observatory is a picture perfect opportunity to capture the beautiful moments and memories you are having with your loved ones.

*Tip: Reserving tickets during the Top of the Rocks's pre-appointed 'sunset times' (shown with a symbol of the sun next to the entrance time slot) is an extra $5!! There is no limit to how long you can stay inside, so reserve a time closest to the distinguished sunset window time period and just wait. Save yourselves that $5!!

The sunset was so beautiful, I never wanted to leave. We were lucky enough to find an empty spot at the ledge and have a front seat view to the beauty of this scene!

After enjoying the peace and warmth of the sunset, we were on our way to the last stop of our New York City trip. The one place we could not miss experiencing and what is considered to be the heart of the city, Times Square! All the billboards, bright lights, and people filling the streets was such a sight to see. Back at home, we always watch the New York New Year's Eve special and it was so amazing to be right where everything happens. This is truly the city that never sleeps.

New York has been an amazing adventure, and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to come here, see all the sights, and most importantly attend my cousin's wedding and create many precious memories with my family. I loved every single minute of this trip; and yes, including the rough parts at the beginning because it only made way for another adventure that I was able to experience and enjoy with my loved ones.

In the end, it's not really the place or situation you are in that matters. It's the people who are there with you to make the good times better and create the most out of whatever happens in life. 

If you made it this far in this post, you're a real one! Thanks for reading :)


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