A Wicked Kind of Night

It's our first night in New York and we were determined to make the most of the time we had in the city. In spite of the delays and the cancellations, we finally made it and even though we were tired from all the traveling and running low on sleep, we made our way out to start off our visit to the city right.

After checking in to our hotel, we took a few hours to rest up and get ourselves settled in. I was so tempted to take a nap, but I knew I would've just knocked out for the whole night and I did not want to waste any more time not exploring. So after showering and getting ready, we headed out to find the theatre that we would be going to watch Wicked at later on in the day. Walking around the city in the cold for the first time was so much fun! And it was exciting to see all the buildings and cars passing by.

As we made our way through the streets, we kept an eye out for good restaurants we could stop by and have lunch at. We ended up going to a place called Bread & Honey. When we walked in, we did not expect to see a cafeteria style restaurant that was also combined with a little market. It ended up being pretty convenient since we could buy our meal and find some drinks in the store for reasonable prices. I ended up ordering the Chipotle burger, and as a bonus it came with fries (which I was not expecting)! Our first proper meal that was not from the airport or airplane and it was delicious.

After our meal, we still had a few minutes to spare before we were meant to be at the theatre to get our tickets. We decided to have a walk around the streets of New York a bit and get familiar with our surroundings, and surprisingly we were able to find our way and catch a glimpse of Times Square! We even passed by M&M World and could not resist having a look inside, and as you can imagine, it was only right for us to buy a bag of chocolates filled with flavors you can't get anywhere else.

With our bag of goodies ready to go, it was finally time to head to the Gershwin Theatre. When you hear about New York, one thing that you can expect to be mentioned is Broadway. So of course we had to go and watch Wicked!  We were all so excited to be able to finally see a show that has been raved about by so many people for so long. It did not disappoint. Although I had a few micro-naps here and there (not gonna lie, I was really tired), I was so amazed by all the talent and production. The songs were so catchy and the actors were amazing! I am so glad we were able to have this experience.

The show ended pretty late and we ended up eating at McDonald's - a true choice for that late night, American food experience (lol). I got an ice cream cone and an apple pie, which to my surprise was baked and not deep fried as usual so it tasted different than what I was used to. Then we made our way back to our hotel room and man was I drained out of all my energy. It was finally time for our first proper sleep in a nice and comfy bed after three days of traveling. One of the comfiest sleeps I've ever had.


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